Special Needs

Any parent has discovered that each child is unique, with their own approach to the world, as well as learning in different ways and at differing paces. We honor this and reach out to it.

While we are not a preschool that specializes in special needs, we are proud of our work with children with delayed or challenging developmental behaviors. Our teachers are skilled in helping children work on their speech and language skills in a “mainstream” classroom setting, and assisting children with mild to moderate behavior issues or developmental delay. We believe it is beneficial for children with unique needs to be in a classroom with those who are more “typical,” as it furthers growth, language and social skills that isolation does not. The benefit for all our students—social, emotional and developmental—is enormous. If your child has been diagnosed with a mild to moderate special need, please share as much information about him or her as possible with the director and teachers (including copies of any pertinent documentation) so that we can be of the greatest help.

Please note that we are not staffed to offer one-on-one supervision for your child, often referred to as a “shadow.” If this is the recommendation you have received, we are, however, open to your child being enrolled at our school if accompanied by a shadow-teacher. Shadow teachers can sometimes be arranged through funding agencies or contracted directly by the parent. We are happy to make a referral to you. Employment of a shadow teacher will require an extra hourly rate paid to the shadow, above our regular tuition rates, and is made by the parent to the agency or shadow directly.

We welcome students referred through the Lanterman Regional Center for speech or mild developmental delay into our two-year old room. Typically, funding benefits through Lanterman cease upon your child’s third birthday. (See Tuition Assistance for more information and how to contact Lanterman.)

For further information please contact the preschool director, Julia Peacock, at 818-240-3860 or by email to julia@saintmarks.la.